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Decisions about money and investing can be stressful, especially if you’re unsure about the path you’re on. Here at Focused Mission Financial, we are FOCUSED on our clients’ goals and on a MISSION to help them accomplish them.


We do this through proactive financial planning and ongoing investment management services.


Learn more about how we can help you succeed below.



A financial plan should help you make educated and informed financial decisions for your future. Financial Planning at Focused Mission Financial starts with a 30,000-foot view of your current financial life, and we discuss your dreams, goals, and priorities. Once we understand your vision, we can work together to create a personalized plan with tailored recommendations to meet your needs.



Investment Management is an ongoing process in which our clients delegate the responsibility of managing their investment portfolios to us. FMF takes a long-term approach to investing and our philosophy is grounded in empirical data and academic research. We also manage our clients’ portfolios with tax-efficiency in mind. Each portfolio is customized to meet our clients’ specific goals.

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